Jerusalem Orchestra East & West

Jerusalem Orchestra East & West

The Jerusalem Orchestra East & West is a multicultural orchestra, comprising musicians from three religions, from all over the country and from the many diverse groups in Israeli society. The orchestral arrangements, composed by the orchestra’s musical director, are based on a musical language developed over many years.

Band Members
  • Head Conductor and Artistic Director
    Tom Cohen
  • Qanun - Lead Instrumentalist
    Eliyahu Avikzer
  • Arabic violin
    Fadel Manna
  • Oud
    Elias Wakileh
  • Ney
    Tzachi Ventura
  • First Violin
    Sophie Fradkin, Lia SHerman, Alona Kolomankin, Shachar Simionovici, Ido Zohar, Yaakov Ardovski
  • Second Violin
    Ludmila Golod, Dana Barazan, Yelena Zabrianski, Tzachi Samira, Ana Furman
  • Viola
    Eduard Kashvin, Alex Gat, Mati Gur, Zack Evans
  • Cello
    Alexandra Marcu, Orly Shapiro, Larisa Linetsky
  • Double bass
    Alex Forman
  • Trumpet
    Idit Mintzer
  • Saxophone
    Ran David
  • Trombone
    Matan Yona
  • Guitar
    Roei Tsaadi
  • Bass
    Adi Gigi
  • Percussion
    Daniel Belgazal
  • Drums
    Yadin Adar
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